Bishop David Oyedepo is the Baker, we are only privileged distributors. We have volunteer translators into French via YouTube Live Chat. Refer anyone whose first language is French to our Livestream. More languages will be added as volunteers become available. David Oyedepo. These are words of insights and revelation. They are not mere religious tagline. But deep content that can bring about indelible change in man’s life. Quotes for everyone.

No matter what, nothing can be “truer” than the truth Striking is not enough, striking to time is important. There is one thing God does not know. It is joke. Every idle word spoken by a man, he shall be accountable for. Your path is ordained by redemption to shine more and more each day. Wisdom can be defined as knowing the right thing to do from the Word and doing it. Matthew 7:25 Supernatural wisdom puts you in command of impossible thing. You can only receive it, you can’t learn supernatural wisdom.